Valuable Tips to Avoid Seasickness on a Cruise

Cruising on a catamaran boat in Fajardo is indeed a great experience. There are lots of onboard fun activities and exotic beaches to stroll. You can have the best time of your life on a chartered boat in Fajardo with family or friends. However, seasickness would be the last thing you want on a beautiful boat trip. It is enough to ruin your exciting boat trip. Are you also inclined to motion sickness during a boat trip? Don’t worry! You still have the hope for a fun-filled catamaran journey.
Do the following things to avoid seasickness and make the most of your trip.
Pack Your Medicine Kit:
If you know that rocking waves can trouble your stomach, ensure to pack some medicines for seasickness. You can easily find antiemetic drugs in nearby chemists; that will help you avoid feeling nauseated. It would be a good idea to consult your doctor, who may prescribe you stronger scopolamine medicine in patch or pill form as required. Most importantly, do not forget to pack your medicines to indulge in cruising and prevent falling sick.
“Good Night… Sleep Tight”
Planning a catamaran boat charter in Fajardo is exciting enough to make you a night owl before the trip. You keep thinking of what to wear, what to stuff in your hobo bag, footwear, gear, and more. Fewer hours of sleep, especially, the night before your cruise, may trigger seasickness during the boat trip. Exhaustion can aggravate the symptoms of motion sickness and make you prone to feeling ill. Hence, try getting a good night’s sleep the day before cruising so your body is revitalized and set to combat seasickness.
Don’t Skip Your Meal:
Although you may not feel like eating, cruising empty stomach may worsen your condition more than sailing after a light meal. Don’t overeat, just have a snack item an hour before starting your trip and keep munching every few hours during the catamaran cruise; however, avoid taking oily, acidic, or spicy food. If you think alcohol can make you fall ill, better avoid it, as dehydration caused by alcohol can lower your immunity to sickness.
Breathe Natural Air:
Fresh air is always healing. When you start developing signs of nausea, walk out to the deck to inhale some fresh air. The change of environment will relieve the rise in your body temperature, and the wind caressing your face will help reduce uncomfortable sweating. At that moment, focus on your breath to bring yourself back to a calm and relaxed state.
Natural is Always Healing:
If you do not want to take pills, you can go for natural remedies. There are plenty of cures to combat seasickness using natural ingredients. One of the best remedies to fight motion sickness is chewing ginger or sipping ginger ale. You can also try classic aromatherapy and use fragrances like peppermint and lavender to calm your senses and encourage deep breathing when feeling nauseated.
Summing Up!
Seasickness is a common issue most people experience on cruise boats, but this doesn’t mean you should restrict your love for cruising. For the best experience, go for Sea Ventures’ power catamaran boat charter in Fajardo. Our catamaran boat is equipped with all essential amenities to help you have a smooth and wonderful boat trip experience.